October 15, 2010

A common problem for music lovers.

If you are remotely like me you have had this problem too. I am playing my music on my zune, ipod or other mp3 player and my favourite song comes on so i crank up the volume to max and forget to turn it down and then you are so use to that volume its normal and you can no longer rock out by turning the volume up also here is a link to one of my favourite songs so you can enjoy.


  1. Yep, happens all the time

  2. Happens to me all the time. A little piece of me dies at that moment :(

  3. Yeah, I can relate to that. Or when you're listening to something in a lower-quality and do that, then play something in high-quality and it's loud as hell. My ear drums.

  4. Can't say this happens to me that often. I take care of my ears. :)

  5. or if some of your songs are way louder than the rest and you get blasted

  6. ear drums end up bursting and yo ufreak out when something else blows your ears on a bus

  7. I'm an audiophile but I protect my ears too
